It's OK to ask questions....

listed below are some of our most frequently asked questions.

If you feel that your question has not been covered below, please feel free to get in touch with us on 07446236369.

Yes! Apex will arrange to call out to your property and discuss your plans on site.

There is no obligation to have the work carried out.

York and surrounding areas.

Yes we have public liability insurance up to £5,000,000.

Don’t worry Apex are here to assist.

We can help with all landscaping, bathrooms and kitchen design queries.
We also offer computer generated designs so you can visualize your kitchen and make any

amendments you may like.

Yes our quotations cover all materials and labour, unless otherwise specified

No, it is a pet hate when builders quote low to win a job to then charge “extras” once they

have the customer over a barrel so to speak.
The price quoted is the price you pay.

It would be misleading to say that unforeseen circumstances do not arise from time to time,
but we mitigate these issue as much as possible by been thorough with our surveys and as

such these kinds of issues are very few and far between.

Payment methods vary depending on the size of the project.
For smaller projects payment is not required until all work has been completed.
For medium sized projects a materials deposit may be required, and for larger projects a
materials deposit will be required followed by staged payments with final payment not been
required until the customer is happy and satisfied with the work completed.
Final payments are required within 7 days of completion as stated in the schedule of works


Yes, at Apex we take as many measures as reasonably possible to mitigate any
unnecessary mess as we recognise that we are in your home and not on a building site.
That been said, in some instances it is reasonable to expect some level of airborne dust to

settle after clean up has taken place and the team have left.